About us

We are Kasia (Poland) and Adrián (Spain),  two happy heads tasting its way through South East Asia and eager to see where else our jai will lead us to:). 

After few happy years living in Brussels (and many other countries in the past!), we felt like taking a new course in our life, we left everything and opted for homefullness  – meaning we find our home wherever we stop on our way.

We travel slow,  giving the opportunity to meaningful encounters and to do things you normally don’t have time for (or think you don’t),  learning from the people, understanding the culture and local knowledge.

Conscious about the impact that we generate as tourists, we only travel by land or sea. On our way, we also reflect and try to make our daily tourist decisions sustainable. 

So this having in mind, people, slow travel (and life?), as well as the sustainability will be present across our blog and that’s what we are interested in finding about.